Can Cats Become Depressed?

| Published on March 13, 2015

Depression often seems like something that’s specific to humans, but that actually isn’t the case. Almost all domesticated animals have been seen to suffer from bought of anxiety and depression just like people do, which means that your cat can get depressed just as easily as you can. Cats are stoic animals, so it’s important to understand the signs of depression in felines to ensure you’re able to make some changes and get your cat feeling better in no time.


There are a number of reasons cats can suffer from depression. They’re very sensitive animals, so changes in their daily routine, moving to a new home or even a rearrangement of furniture can cause distress. Cats have also been observed feeling depressed over the loss of a beloved human or animal companion. Cats are also very attune to their owner’s emotions and can become depressed simply by their owner’s sadness.

If you notice changes in your cat’s behavior, depression might be the cause. The signs of depression in cats are very similar to those in humans and other animals. Loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities, lack of appetite, decreased grooming, lethargy and hiding are all signs that something is wrong. There are many causes for these symptoms, so checking with your veterinarian to rule out any physical problems is important. If you and your veterinarian determine that the cause is behavioral, it’s time to start working on a solution.

Determining the cause of your cat’s depression is important in deciding how to treat it, but sometimes we don’t know exactly what’s bringing our feline’s despair. If you can eliminate or reduce the source of your cat’s stress, it’s highly suggested to do so. Spending extra time with your cat will also make them feel more comfortable. Trying to play with various toys, even for a few minutes a day, can lead to an improvement in your cat’s mood. Spending time relaxing and brushing your cat can also make them feel safer and more secure. Just like your human friends, your cat will simply just need you to be there for comfort when they’re feeling depressed. The most important thing you can do is to make sure you spend quality time together.

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