Cat Has News For The New Cat Door…

| Published on August 28, 2015

Cats can be sensitive creatures that don’t tolerate change very well, even if it’s something that’s supposed to benefit them. Fortunately, most cats warm up to the change eventually with the help of their loving human families. This lucky cat, named Philo, has a really dedicated owner that spent almost two hours installing a beautiful new cat door for him to use as he pleases. When he finally shows him the finished product, Philo’s reaction is a surprise to us all! While we did expect some sort of hesitation from Philo, we didn’t see his actually response in the least bit. This video is truly hysterical and we couldn’t hold in our laughs as we watched it, especially knowing his owner spent so much time putting it together!

Hopefully Philo will learn how to properly use the cat door, because it really will make life much easier for him in the long run. Either way, this crazy cat is too cute to handle. You can see more videos of Philo at his YouTube channel!