Cat Saves His Human’s Life By Alerting Her That She Has Cancer

Written by: Modi Ramos
| Published on September 15, 2015

For anyone that knows and understands their cat’s behavior, you know exactly when something is out of the ordinary for them. For Sue McKenzie, she knew something was wrong with her cat, Tom, when he suddenly started being much more affectionate than normal, strangely so. Tom is typically aloof, but several months ago he become almost bothersome, and coincidentally, kept using his paw to tap repeatedly at the same spot. According to his human, “Tom has never been a very loving cat – he doesn’t come to me for cuddles very often. He lets me stroke him and he likes to sit next to me but he doesn’t actively seek out human contact and he very rarely comes to pet me.”


“Tom doesn’t actively seek out human contact so I thought he was behaving very strangely when he suddenly started pawing me,” Sue said. “He would pat my the back of my neck while meowing very loudly. He did it constantly for two weeks and was starting to drive me mad to be honest.”

Naturally, as any good cat mom would, Sue took her twenty-year-old cat into the vet to be examined. When he left with a clean bill of health, she wondered what on earth could all this be about. Per her vet’s suggestion, Sue then realized that maybe her cat was trying to tell her something.

“I didn’t feel poorly at all but every time I sat down he was there tap, tap, tapping, always on my right shoulder.”

This is when Sue decided to take a closer look, and when she reached back, she felt a tiny lump in the same area where Tom routinely pawed her. When she went to the doctor’s office to get a closer look she received very shocking news: she had developed Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, and it had already advanced to Stage 3.

If it had not have been for her precious Tom, a stray that she’d taken a chance on, she wouldn’t be here today, and cancer-free after surgery and successful chemotherapy.

“He was just a stray that turned up on my doorstep. My husband said ‘don’t let him in’, but I couldn’t leave him out in the rain. I let him in, fed him a tin of corned beef and he’s been here ever since.”

And we imagine that’s a good thing, for both of them:)

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