Why Does My Cat Suddenly Zoom Around The Room (Sometimes At Night!)

Written by: Adri Sandoval
Adri Sandoval is the Special Projects Manager for iHeartDogs and iHeartCats. Her work has deepened her love for animals, fostering a strong passion for rescue and animal advocacy.Read more
| Published on November 22, 2017

The zoomies. The crazies. Keeping you up at night. Whatever you want to call it, chances are, you’ve seen your calm cat start running around the room with a sudden burst of energy – and no warning! Have you ever wondered why this happens… and in some cases, why it happens at night?

According to “Simon’s Cat Logic,” based on knowledge by a Cat Behavior Expert at Cats Protection, these fits of frenetic energy are linked to biology. The video below explains that felines in the wild hunt upwards of 40 times a day, expending much more energy than their house cat cousins. Every once in awhile, those instincts kick in, and our domestic pals zoom around the room to burn off that pent-up pep!

Then comes the question: “Why does my cat zip around my house at night?” Felines are crepuscular, meaning they are most active at twilight. So next time you wake up to the swat, swoosh, and pat-pat-pat of your cat prancing around in the dark, you’ll know that it’s because biology is telling her it’s time to hunt!

Project Play™ Flexible Feather Wand With Bells Cat Toy, $5.99. Each purchase provides a toy for a shelter cat.


As adorable and hilarious as this gleeful behavior may be, it can also get quite frustrating when it interrupts your sleep. The best way to help your kitty – and yourself – snooze through the night is by encouraging her to burn off this energy during the day.

Project Play™ Catnip Filled Digital Box Cat Toys (9 Pieces), $19.99. Each purchase provide a toy for a shelter cat.


Tap into her hunting instincts by fluttering a feather wand in the air or on the ground, or offer her a catnip toy that will induce herbal euphoria. Maybe your kitty prefers chasing tinfoil balls or figuring out puzzle feeders. According to the “Simon’s Cat Logic” video, hunting and catching “prey” releases endorphins, meaning the playtime will result in one very happy cat!

(h/t: Huffington Post)

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