Cat Behavior & Training

10 Best Cat Breeds For Children

Cats make a great addition to any family looking to add a pet to their home. Although adopting a cat from a shelter is probably...

8 Signs That Your Cat Is Bored

Boredom. At some time or another it has affected us all. And it doesn't just stop with humans. Cats don't have the ability to talk...

Signs Your Cat Might Be Pregnant

Although this may have happened by total chance, and your cat wasn't spayed before she went into her first heat, sometimes cats do get pregnant...

5 Jobs Cats Excel At

Think dogs are the only ones who can work? Think again! While the cat may demand a higher salary and definitely more nap breaks, here...

10 Things Only Cat People Understand

There are some people out there who don’t like cats. It’s hard to comprehend, because they’re so different than us, but it’s a truth that...

10 Things Your Cat Wishes You Knew

Our cats don’t speak English or any other human language, so they can’t always tell us exactly what they’re thinking and feeling. But if cat’s...

7 Unique Cat Behaviors Explained

Cats are definitely unique creatures with a mind of their own and they certainly offer some behavior that throws us for a loop sometimes. If...