Woman Fearful Of Cats Sets Out To Save As Many As She Can

Written by: Julie Hunt
| Published on December 18, 2023

Sandra, a kind-hearted woman driven by love, dedicates her life to rescuing stray cats and dogs in Lebanon. Her journey began at 19 when she adopted her first dog. Since then, it’s been a relentless quest to offer love, safety, and homes to countless animals. Her passion was ignited when someone heartlessly dumped a dog on the front steps of her home. This heart-wrenching incident underscored the need to give these animals a chance at unconditional happiness. Sandra, moved by the plight of animals denied joy, decided to fight for each one.

Boldly leaving her job, she focused on rescuing animals, filling her house with those needing care. Initially thought to be ‘off her rocker’ by her parents, they eventually embraced and supported her mission. While numerous dog shelters exist, Sandra’s love for cats led her to dream of opening a haven for them. She’s become a tried and true cat lover, often surrounding herself with her rescue cats to play and snuggle.

Once afraid of cats and dogs, Sandra transformed into a fearless rescuer, finding honor in witnessing their journey from hardship to safety. This experience taught her the true meaning of unconditional love, and it brings her immense happiness.

Rescuing over 200 animals to date, Sandra remains committed to saving more. Her inspiring story showcases the transformative power of love and compassion, raising awareness about caring for those who need it most. As she persists, Sandra’s impact on the lives of animals and people around her will undoubtedly grow.

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