Dog Groomer Opened Shop In Middle-Of-Night To Give Stray Dog Haircut & Found Beauty Beneath Matted Fur

| Published on February 15, 2024

As the couple cruised down a highway in Florida’s Oviedo area, their excursion came to an abrupt stop when they noticed a dog wandering perilously close to the roadway, seemingly unaware of the bustling traffic. Disturbed by the sight and worried about the canine’s welfare and intended direction, they immediately pulled over. Fueled by concern and compassion, they rushed to investigate the situation, determined to assist the distressed animal in any way possible.

Their impromptu act of kindness showcased their dedication to ensuring the safety and well-being of all creatures, reaffirming the importance of compassion and empathy in the world.


Image/Story Source Credit: YouTube/Scoop


His physical state left them shocked. His fur was heavily matted to the point of impeding his movement and obscuring his vision, making it difficult for him to navigate and nearly resulting in him being struck. His lack of responsiveness suggested a history of abandonment and neglect that seemed to span most of his existence.

The duo couldn’t bear the thought of leaving him behind. Consequently, they decided to bring him along in their vehicle. Nevertheless, given their inability to provide for his needs overnight, they turned to social media for help. Their call for assistance was met by groomer Kari Falla.


Image/Story Source Credit: YouTube/Scoop


When a dog’s fur becomes so severely matted that it impedes blood circulation and causes bruising, immediate action is required. Upon seeing the dog’s dire condition, Kari realized that waiting until the next day to offer aid was not an option. Driven by urgency, Kari opened her BGE Grooming salon at 3 a.m., finding the dog in a state of shock and cold. She was taken aback by the extent of his neglect, noting, “I was utterly unprepared for the sight that greeted me.” The dog emitted a foul odor and was incapable of walking due to the condition of his coat.

Kari dedicated herself to grooming the dog until 4 a.m., removing all the matted fur. She estimated that the neglect had persisted for over two years. In anticipation of his forthcoming veterinary appointment, they affectionately named him Lucky.


Image/Story Source Credit: YouTube/Scoop


The visit to the veterinarian revealed yet another astonishing fact: Lucky was discovered to be both blind and deaf, compounding the difficulties arising from his severely matted fur and dismal state. Without the timely intervention of the kind-hearted couple, Lucky’s chances of surviving the night on the road, given his condition, were slim to none.

Following his operation, the veterinarian took further steps to ensure Lucky’s well-being, neutering him, and providing necessary vaccines and dental care. The effort to find him a loving, permanent residence then commenced. Zachary Blair, moved by the collective efforts to save Lucky, eagerly stepped forward to provide him with a forever home. We are ardent fans of happy conclusions, and Lucky’s story certainly culminates in one.

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