Cat Rests Her Paw On Dog Afflicted By Anxiety Attacks Till They Subside

Written by: Julie Hunt
| Published on August 4, 2023

When a dog, Chapo, was rescued from life on a chain, someone special stepped in to help the traumatized pup emerge from his shell. Chapo spent four years living on a chain in his owner’s garage. A rescue group intervened and saved him. But even though the dog was safe, he didn’t feel that way.

Chapo entered foster care with Claudia and her pets, including a special kitty named Freeway. The dog instantly exhibited worrying signs that deeply concerned his foster mom. The pup had full-blown anxiety attacks. They were so severe that Claudia wrapped him in a blanket. She got under the blanket with him and assured the dog that everything would be okay.

But Chapo wasn’t convinced until Freeway came into the picture. Freeway, a loving, compassionate cat, sensed Chapo’s fear and did all she could to soothe him. Every time Chapo suffered from an anxiety attack, the cat was right there, spooning him closely. Freeway wrapped her little paw around him and held him tight.

Because of the cat’s unwavering love and commitment, Chapo’s life turned around. You have to see this real-life fairy tale unfold. Thanks to Freeway’s devotion, Chapo is now living his best life!

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