Girl Teaches Cats While They Enjoy Their Tiny Table

Written by: Kelli Brinegar
For more than five years, Kelli Brinegar has been using her ability to write and her passion for research to tell the tale of what cats are thinking and why. She has provided care to more than 30 cats in her lifetime.Read more
| Published on July 13, 2020

As creatures of intelligence, cats love to learn new things.

Now, that doesn’t mean felines actively want to learn new tricks and perform them for the parents. Mostly, it means they enjoy knowing all about the space around them and teaching themselves feats that might help them better forage for food.

But there are cases of super good kitties who do everything their sweet human siblings ask of them. Even when it’s learning something new.

Like Clarinha’s feline pupils…

central memes e informações/YouTube


Home School for Kids and Cats

Like many children across the world, Clarinha has been learning from home for a little while now. And she’s learned so much, she wanted to share the knowledge wealth her furry feline brothers, Douglas Roberto and Jurandir.

She settled the kitties in their favorite chairs at their tiny table. With her chalkboard in place and the cats’ attention rapt upon her, the lesson begins. Today, the class will draw a flower.

central memes e informações/YouTube

Just once, Clarinha has to be sure Douglas Roberto was paying attention, but otherwise, the cats behaved like purrfect pupils.

Just a Pair of Bros Who Like to Dress Well & Chill in Chairs

Checking out Douglas Roberto’s Instagram page, it turns out the meezey man and striped boy enjoy hanging out at their table. In fact, they are chill brothers who love lounging about the house and enjoying their good life in Brazil.

Check this out, the pawsome pair are card sharks too…


Douglas Roberto likes hanging out in his little chair even when he’s not at the table. Plus, he’s a snappy dresser…

cat sitting chair

Equally fashion trendy, Jurandir enjoys lounging too…


Though he’s a busy tabby, Jurandir always makes time to read his sister a story. He’s an amazing brother!

car reads book

As Douglas Roberto illustrates, sometimes you just gotta put your paws up and enjoy some gaming…


Two bros wearing hats and plaid clothes…

cats wearing shirts

Douglas Roberto loves his favorite shirt so much…


And he likes to check out his reflection in the mirror to be sure his ensemble looks just right before strutting around…


To be such proper boys, Douglas Roberto can be a sassy guy sometimes!

cat tongue out

As can Jurandir…


Though they can be silly, Douglas Roberto and Jurandir are the best cat brothers Clarinha could ever want!

Feature Image: central memes e informações/YouTube & @douglasrobertogato/Instagram