Nail-Biting Instant Boy Catches Kitten Hanging From Roof Ledge

Written by: Julie Hunt
| Published on February 13, 2024

Brave men and women (and kids) go out of their way to help those in need. Whether it’s volunteers from animal rescue groups, police and firefighters, or Good Samaritans, these kind people never fail to amaze us. In this nail-biting video posted below, a tiny kitten was walking around the top of a building. The dilapidated railing couldn’t contain her tiny body. As the kitten moved about, she lost her balance. Frightened out of her kitty wits, she clung to the ledge and tried to pull herself up while fighting for her life.

Neighbors and passersby saw the kitten’s struggle. They stood around gasping, not knowing what to do. But one kind individual stepped up to try and save her. This courageous boy ran into his home and grabbed a blanket. He stood beneath the building and readied himself. The kitten continued to hold on.

As her body swung and onlookers screamed, the boy moved back and forth to line himself up with her little body. He opened the blanket up and stretched it as much as he could. He kept telling himself that it would be okay and that the kitten would make it. The feline was weakening. She had been fighting for so long to hold on and was exhausted.

While the boy held his breath along with the stunned audience, the kitten let go. She fell toward him, and just like that, he caught her! Thanks to the boy, the kitten is now doing well. We are so grateful for this rescue. Watch it all unfold in the video below.

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