These Cats Are The Top Dogs In Their Homes

| Published on November 10, 2015

Many cats all over the world live harmoniously with dogs. They may seem like an unlikely pair, but can get along well once they have an understanding of who holds the power. In many cases, and certainly in these cases here, cats become the Top Dogs and leave much larger dogs quivering in their wake.


Image Source: cjewell via

#1 – Bed Stealers

This great compilation shows that cats will sleep where they want to sleep…. and sometimes “where they want to sleep” just means wherever it’ll cause the most controversy.


#2 – The Food Stealer

This cat had obviously done this once or twice before, and knew all of the right moments to act oblivious.


#3 – The Sneaky Stray

Sometimes the cats don’t even need to live there to gain control. This stray wasn’t fazed a bit by the anxious dog who was prowling around while she was eating its kibble.


#4 – The Face Sitters

Sometime’s a dog’s face is just the best bed in the house.


#5 – The Cat Who Thinks She’s in Fight Club

Okay maybe this kitten isn’t the top dog… but it’s nice of the dog to let her think so for a bit.


But sometimes dogs get the last laugh too…